Jaime Rosas – Extremos
Jaime Rosas’ second effort was conceived, designed and recorded as a power trio format: by that time, Rosas had already left the ranks of Entrance, so now he was feeling like newborn and armed with a new sense of purpose, something you can really tell by listening to the display of energy and musical creativity in the album’s repertoire.
Compared to his amazing debut album, “Extremos” goes to much more rockier places on a more recurrent basis. Rosas feels quite comfortable carrying his Emerson-meets- Wakeman influenced style and technical skills to a powerful rock environment, in this way building a crossroad between the artistic ambitions of classic prog and the structural complexity of hard rock with a prog metal twist. The five ‘Breves Piezas Rockeras’ (‘Brief Rockers’) are faithful indicators of this renewed enthusiasm. Truth is (and I admit that I’m starting to mention it too late) that the labors of drummer Alex von Chrismar and bassist/guitarist Rodrigo Godoy prove crucial in order to help Rosas to concretize his rocking self in a most splendorous manner. There are even two ‘Brief Rockers’ in which Godoy assumes the leading role by switching to electric guitar, while Rosas assumes the ‘bass guitar position’ on a keyboard. But it is not all about gutsy, powerful rock in a progressive language. Bombastic Sympho Prog.